Monday, February 7, 2011

This blog will open on Sunday, Feb 13th, 2011. Stay tuned.

I've been called "Amy-ji," "Guru-ma," "Miss Amy," "Ma'am," "Amy Madam," and "Madame Garrou." These names represent cultures blending, unabashed gestures of affection blended with respect, even at their most formal. I like them all, and I would never have heard them without all of you from Nepal, Tibet, India, France, and the American South.

What's it like, coming home to your country after being away? This is a topic so many of us have experienced, whether on a week's short trip outside the US, or from living outside our countries for years. I open this blog to explore the notion of leaving, and coming home; of being a foreigner and a native, or something in between. I don't have the answers, but I'll post some musings, articles, pictures, and questions, and I'd like to hear yours.

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