Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's time to write again

What topic shall it be?

Despite this blog's title--What's it like, coming back to your country after being away?--I'm feeling very domestic.  I'm not talking cooking; I'm talking about things happening in the US.

So President Obama said today he believes marriage between same-sex couples should be legal.   My home state, North Carolina, strongly disagreed.   Yet in the last election, NC elected a Democratic governor who's female.

So why aren't people's votes consistent?  or why aren't their general political beliefs consistent within themselves?


  1. Hi Amy - Glad you are blogging again! - Meg

  2. Are people motivated by impulses in voting?

  3. Amy, glad you are writing again. You have a lot to say!
    Julie H.

  4. rather disappointed regarding the outcome of the vote on amendment one as well. fear mongering at its finest among the misguided christian right. I've been registered republican my entire adult life ( while actually a libertarian at heart ) and certainly consider myself to be a christian. but it's becoming increasingly difficult to identify with these people.

  5. Well, I just wrote a long comment and didn't post it the right way myself! I guess there will be more posts on this subject . . . thank y'all for paying attention.
    And yes, I think there's impulse in voting, for sure.
    And Marty, it must be very strange and surreal to be a traditional Republican right now. The party seems stretched to its limits and beyond.
