Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mes anciens élèves sont généreux et généreuses . . . et vous?

Springs of Peace: Clean water

My former students--all of them, young men and young women--are generous and determined.

A group of young women who are now in grad school or are working have created a charity for their classmate and my former student at the school in India, Sylvia Gift Nabukeera, who was found dead in Nairobi in June 2011 as she was traveling back to her home in Uganda.

My former students have worked tirelessly through their grief to make something positive out of the death of a friend.   Sylvia was generous and determined and powerful, too.   She had started an initiative--Springs of Peace (click link above)-- to raise money to bring clean water to people in her home area.   This may sound like an easy thing to us in the West, who drink water from city-wide sanitation systems that we assume we can rely upon.   In rural areas in much of the world, women walk for miles every day, often accompanied by their young children or carrying a baby,  to bring back water for their families.  They carry it in a huge jug balanced on their head, a stunning and beautiful picture in itself.  But this keeps women in a place of almost Biblical servitude; of course, it also means that families rely on women and girls for water.   Finding, and competing for, clean water in an area with no distribution system is an all-consuming job which keeps women and girls from education or from tasks which might earn them a small living.

There are many effects of the lack of clean, readily available drinking water.  I am no expert.  My former students have educated themselves, though, and some are working in these areas.  They know.   You can trust them with your money!

There are two more days in this month of February to give to Springs of Peace.   We are over 90% there to raising $10,000.  If Springs of Peace can raise this amount by the end of February, a donor will match that amount.   This means work can get started on Sylvia's dream.

Sylvia was full of love:  for people who didn't have much, for her friends, for those around her, for every new day she was given.   Please consider a donation, large or tiny or in between, to help the people Sylvia knew receive the love she wanted to give them.

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